viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016


  There are new teams that help the patient in rehabilitation, but also allows better care for health servers . so it is important that hospitals get these utensils.


Answer these questions

1.-Why did you decide to become a nurse?  The need to help my family 
with chronic degenerative diseases , encouraged me to conecer more about how 
to deal with them and how to respond to their needs.

2.-What do you think about the video? The video is very emotional ,
 because it shows us how to live and enjoy life despite physical difficulties 
and even pain can be of help through palliative care

3.-How can you contribute to make health-care better? obtain the necessary 
knowledge and desarollarme both knowledge but equally on the development of morals
 and ethics. to assist people in terms of nursing care

4.-What commitment do you make today with yourself for your present and future career as a nurse? I promise to develop in the conocimeintos and skills to be a good nurse for the future and be of help to all those who interact with patients. 

intramuscular injection technique

An intramuscular ( IM ) is a drug that is administered in the muscle. Certain drugs must be administered in the muscle to function properly.

The Bets Spoon Support! helping a patient whit meals

This design helps the patient achieve their own self-care

helping patients whith rehabilitation

Medication research

this research taught me about hypertensives and adverse effects of drugs .

Allergy brochure

 allergy is an immune system reaction to something that does not bother most other people, with activity learned to know the symptoms of patients with allergy.

pathology information

This activity learned to describe the signs and symptoms of allergies caused by contact with pets


this activity taught me medical terms related to the patient's vital signs


Learning by playing the Body Parts

I won

IV prescription

Help the patient in the description of the drug requiring

now I can help the patient who is in a similar situation